With the ISO / IEC 50001 certificate, you send your customers, business partners or authorities a clear message that energy management is at a high level in your company.
At TAYLLORCOX, we have over 10 years of experience with energy management. ISO / IEC 50001 certification is offered by a number of companies, however only TAYLLORCOX offers a unique mix of benefits:
The ability to use energy resources efficiently is not just a green trend but a major advantage in competition. Thanks to continuous monitoring and optimization of energy use, energy management reduces the costs of production, operation and provision of services.
You will reduce energy costs by tens of percent and gain an edge over the competition. Investing in ISO 50001 has one of the fastest returns.
By certification, you will meet the legislative requirements of Act No. 103/2015 Coll.
You will increase your chances of obtaining subsidies from the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness.
You will strengthen the position of your company in the eyes of customers, business partners and employees. It will be clear that thanks to energy efficiency you are able to deliver products and services at a good price.
After the audit, you will create an inventory of energy management, find opportunities for savings and avoid unnecessary losses.
You will increase employee awareness and responsibility in matters of efficient use of resources and raise the overall corporate culture of energy management.
You will get a tool for more efficient energy cost management.
You will implement a systemic and systematic approach to the use of energy.
You will build processes for continuous monitoring and improvement of energy management.
At TAYLLORCOX we have developed a unique three-phase certification process that allows us to proceed with unrivalled speed and efficiency.
Předáme vašim zaměstnancům znalosti nezbytné pro udělení certifikace.
Základem pro získání ISO 50001 jsou prokazatelné relevantní znalosti vašich zaměstnanců. Všechna potřebná školení u nás vedou mezinárodně akreditovaní auditoři s rozsáhlou praxí. Seznámí vás se souvisejícími standardy a zprostředkují i potřebné souvislosti pro vaši firemní praxi.
Připravili jsme pro vás balíček podpůrných materiálů, které vám usnadní cestu k úspěšné certifikaci.
Propracovaný zahrnuje kompletní šablony, vzory a formuláře, které vás provedou sestavením klíčové příručky pro celou firmu, a to včetně kontrolních listů. S nimi budete mít jistotu, že jste optimalizovali všechny procesy ve firmě, jak vyžaduje legislativa i certifikace. Autory toolkitu jsou naši akreditovaní auditoři, přední odborníci na ISO 50001, kteří garantují věcnou správnost a kvalitu všech obsažených materiálů.
Získejte potvrzení, že vaše firemní procesy odpovídají přísným požadavkům ISO 50001.
Certifikaci osobně provede náš vedoucí auditor. První stupeň interního auditu – desktop review – se zaměří na popis aktuálního stavu bezpečnostní dokumentace z hlediska její komplexnosti i kompletnosti. Na něj naváže process review, kde vyhodnotíme shodu dokumentace s realitou a sestavíme seznam potřebných opatření.
We have a wide base of experts not only on the issue, but also on the industry.
We will analyse your situation and we will design a specific certification procedure to ensure it meets your real needs. Moreover, we can flexibly respond to your ad-hoc requests during the certification process.
We are part of an international company which is the basis of our know-how and background. Our auditors are top experts taking part in the creation of relevant laws.
We will take over most of the administrative burden for you and thanks to our experience and detailed customization we can implement the certification process up to 75% faster than our competition.
As the only accreditation body on the market, we will also provide training for you and your employees. This is one of the reasons why the vast majority of our certifications result in success.
We offer the best quality : certification price ratio. We manage to adapt to corporations as well as start-ups, and our outputs are always just as precise.
Although our team is full of renowned specialists from a wide range of industries we are completely normal people. We provide clients with the best customer care and devote our energy to their education.
We constantly bring news and important information (not only) about ISO 50001 our blog.
With the ISO / IEC 50001 certificate, you send your customers, business partners or authorities a clear message that your Energy Management System is at a high level. In addition, thanks to the savings that certified energy management brings, you get a major market advantage.
ISO 50001 belongs to the 50000 family of standards and is part of the standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization, abbreviated ISO.
By implementing ISO 50001, you will not only ensure a reduction in energy costs and better management of investments in technologies with regard to their energy intensity. You will also meet the requirements of Act 406/2000 Coll. about energies. As an ISO 50001 holder, you do not have to carry out an energy audit pursuant to Section 9 (2) of Act No. 406/2000 Coll., certification by an authorized organization is fully sufficient. An independent audit will also help you analyse and plan consumption or evaluate unexpected leaks.
An integral part of the system according to the ISO 50001 standard are repeated control mechanisms, which constantly verify the success of the adopted measures and provide feedback for the implementation of other measures. It is based on the PDCA scheme: Plan-Do-Check-Act. The philosophy of ISO 50001 is based on the belief that long-term, lasting and the highest possible energy savings are led exclusively by systematic and long-term activity focused on the persons, energy processes, relevant documentation and specific energy goals.
Therefore, an effective Energy Management System in your company:
sets energy policy
analyses energy consumption and set targets
evaluates the priorities of austerity measures and define action plans
introduces controlling and checks the fulfilment of set goals
Organisations that want to reduce their energy intensity and increase energy efficiency can receive a subsidy in the Energy Savings Operational Program. The subsidy title is part of the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI), has a total budget of 21 billion crowns and ISO 50001 is the basic evaluation criterion.
The key for ISO 50001 is Act No. 103/2015 Coll., Amending Act No. 406/2000 Coll., on energy management. However, ISO 5001 overlaps with a number of other standards:
Act No. 406/2000 Coll., On energy management (contains the issue of energy audits)
Act No. 458/2000 Coll., Energy Act
Act No. 165/2012 Coll., On Supported Energy Sources
Decree No. 78/2013 Coll., On the energy performance of buildings
Decree No. 480/2012 Coll., On energy audit and energy assessment
Decree No. 118/2013 Coll., On energy specialists
Decree No. 193/2007 Coll., Which lays down the details of the efficiency of energy use in the distribution of thermal energy and the internal distribution of thermal energy and cold
Decree No. 194/2007 Coll., Which lays down rules for heating and hot water supply, specific indicators of thermal energy consumption for heating and hot water preparation and requirements for equipping the internal heating systems of buildings with devices regulating the supply of thermal energy to final consumers
Decree No. 441/2012 Coll., On determining the minimum efficiency of energy use in the production of electricity and thermal energy
Decree No. 193/2013 Coll., On the inspection of air conditioning systems
Decree No. 194/2013 Coll., On the inspection of boilers and heat distribution.
Často kladené otázky o certifikaci ISO 55001
Pro bychom měli uvažovat o certifikaci ISO 50001?
Tento standard má jednu z nejrychlejších návratností investice - díky zavedení osvědčených postupů energetického managementu (EnMS) zvýšíte svou energetickou efektivitu, vylepšíte hospodářské výsledky a posílíte renomé vaší organizace.
Který zákon předepisuje certifikaci ISO 50001?
Certifikaci ISO 50001 legislativa přímo nenařizuje, nicméně zákon 406/2000 Sb. o hospodaření energií, § 9, odst. 2, garantuje jejím držitelům jednoznačnou výhodu: nemají povinnost pravidelně zpracovávat energetický audit. Zákon přímo říká: „Povinnost zpracovat audit nemá ten podnikatel, který má zaveden a akreditovanou osobou certifikován systém hospodaření s energií podle české harmonizované normy upravující systém managementu hospodaření s energií (ČSN EN ISO 50001 - Systém managementu hospodaření s energií)“.
Kterou dotaci mohu získat na zavedení a certifikaci ISO 50001 a v jaké výši?
Požádat můžete o dotaci pro projekty z oblasti úspor energie z operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost. Minimální poskytnutá částka je 500 000 Kč a nejvyšší možná podpora dosahuje až 250 milionů Kč. Procentuální výše dotace závisí na velikosti podniku: malý podnik do 49 zaměstnanců může získat 50 % způsobilých výdajů, střední podnik (50 až 249 zaměstnanců) 40 % a velký podnik, který má více než 250 zaměstnanců, obdrží 30 % způsobilých výdajů.