With the ISO 19770 certificate, you send your customers, business partners or authorities a clear message that ITAM (IT Asset Management) is at a high level in your company.
IT Asset Management helps consolidate and evaluate data on IT reserves and inventories, financial costs and contracts, throughout their life cycle. In short, ITAM will help you spend resources efficiently, handle license agreements, and manage software and hardware assets, including their utilization.
At TAYLLORCOX, we have over 10 year of experience with ITAM. ISO 19770 certification is offered by many companies, however only in TAYLLORCOX you get a unique mix of benefits:
The introduction of standardized ITAM in company management and certification to the ISO 19770 standard will bring you a number of benefits:
With ITAM you get a tool for effective management of IT assets that help achieve strategic and managerial goals.
Optimize your IT expenses and get key information for making the right decisions about IT investments.
Consolidate and evaluate data on IT reserves and inventories, related financial costs and contracts, throughout their life cycle.
You will reduce the costs associated with inefficient use of IT.
You eliminate or substantially reduce the risks associated with non-compliance with license conditions or legislation.
You will strengthen the image and credibility of your company in the eyes of customers, business partners and employees. It will be clear that IT Asset Management is at a high level in your company.
For investors and shareholders, ISO 19770 certification is a guarantee of an economically stable company that has the cost of IT assets firmly under control.
You will increase employee awareness of IT Asset Management.
You will implement a systemic and systematic approach to the management of information technology and systems.
You will build processes for continuous monitoring and improvement of ITAM.
At TAYLLORCOX we have developed a unique three-phase certification process that allows us to proceed with unrivalled speed and efficiency.
Předáme vašim zaměstnancům znalosti nezbytné pro udělení certifikace.
Základem pro získání ISO 19770 jsou prokazatelné relevantní znalosti vašich zaměstnanců. Všechna potřebná školení u nás vedou mezinárodně akreditovaní auditoři s rozsáhlou praxí. Seznámí vás se souvisejícími standardy a zprostředkují i potřebné souvislosti pro vaši firemní praxi. Orientaci v problematice zajistí náš kurz Základy ITAM, na která navazuje ITAM MasterClass, auditorský kurz určený pro absolventy ITAM Foundation.
Připravili jsme pro vás balíček podpůrných materiálů, které vám usnadní cestu k úspěšné certifikaci.
Propracovaný systém dokumentů ITAM zahrnuje kompletní šablony, vzory a formuláře, které vás provedou sestavením klíčové příručky ITAM pro celou firmu, a to včetně kontrolních listů. S nimi budete mít jistotu, že jste optimalizovali všechny procesy ve firmě, jak vyžaduje certifikace. Autory toolkitu jsou naši akreditovaní auditoři, přední odborníci na ISO 19770, kteří garantují věcnou správnost a kvalitu všech obsažených materiálů.
Získejte potvrzení, že vaše firemní procesy odpovídají přísným požadavkům ISO 19770.
Certifikaci osobně provede náš vedoucí auditor. První stupeň interního auditu – desktop review – se zaměří na popis aktuálního stavu bezpečnostní dokumentace z hlediska její komplexnosti i kompletnosti. Na něj naváže process review, kde vyhodnotíme shodu dokumentace s realitou a sestavíme seznam potřebných opatření.
We are a member of ITAM.org, the world's most advanced accreditation association in the industry. Based on our accreditation, we train and certify not only organizations, but also managers in the field of IT Asset Management.
We will analyse your situation and we will design a specific certification procedure to ensure it meets your real needs. Moreover, we can flexibly respond to your ad-hoc requests during the certification process.
We are part of an international company which is the basis of our know-how and background. Our auditors are top experts taking part in the creation of relevant laws.
We will take over most of the administrative burden for you and thanks to our experience and detailed customization we can implement the certification process up to 75% faster than our competition.
As the only accreditation body on the market, we will also provide training for you and your employees. This is one of the reasons why the vast majority of our certifications result in success.
We offer the best quality : certification price ratio. We manage to adapt to corporations as well as start-ups, and our outputs are always just as precise.
Although our team is full of renowned specialists from a wide range of industries we are completely normal people. We provide clients with the best customer care and devote our energy to their education.
We constantly bring news and important information (not only) about ISO 19770 our blog.
The ISO 19770 certificate confirms that the IT Asset management system within the organization complies with standardized norms. When you certify your company to the ISO 19770 standard, you send your shareholders, customers, business partners and authorities a clear message that ITAM is at a high level with you.
IT Asset Management (ITAM) plays a vital role in any organization where the budget for IT services, service, applications, software and hardware represents 10 percent or more of its turnover. It provides IT asset management solutions, saving time and money. ITAM also helps to protect management and executives from non-compliance with licensing conditions or legislation.
With ITAM, you get information about the real costs associated with IT, not just the amount for repairs and maintenance. It is this index (TCM) that is often the biggest surprise for managers. At the same time, ITAM helps optimize the cost of repairing applications and services. These are on average 3-5 times higher than for preventive maintenance and thanks to ITAM, the most efficient companies will reduce their BM index (breakdown management index) below 5%.
ISO 19770 is not legally enshrined in the Czech republic.
Jaký přínos má certifikace ISO 19770?
Certifikát ISO je tradičně známkou vysoké procesní vyspělosti organizace, interních procedur, směrnic a postupů. Audit od nezávislého certifikačního orgánu TAYLLORCOX garantuje skutečné, nikoliv formální zavedení IT Asset Managementu. Funkční ITAM přinese vaší společnosti zásadní úspory a jistotu, že všechny licence a smlouvy máte pod kontrolou.
Jaký je rozdíl mezi ISO/IEC 19770-1 a ISO/IEC 19700-2?
ISO/IEC 19770 zahrnuje několik podskupin pro Software Asset Management. Každá z těchto norem má jiné zaměření a liší se koncovým číslem. ISO/IEC 19770-1 se zaměřuje na úspěšné nastavení procesů Software Asset managementu, zatímco část 2 se soustředí na tagy, strukturu softwaru, inventarizaci a další důležité identifikační aktivity.