With the SA 8000 certificate, you show your customers, employees, business partners or authorities that social responsibility is not an empty phrase for you. You publicly subscribe to the principles of good management and building good relationships with all stakeholders. The standard confirms that the approach to HR management in your company is at a high level and in accordance with international conventions.
At TAYLLORCOX, we have been working with SA 8000 for years. SA 8000 certification is offered by a number of companies, however only TAYLLORCOX offers a unique mix of benefits:
The introduction of SA 8000 certification in the management of a company is a necessity for many companies today. However, the benefits of certification go far beyond just meeting global standards or demonstrating proper social responsibility in business transactions:
You will make a public commitment to socially responsible and ethical business.
You will strengthen the image of a socially responsible company in the eyes of the public.
You will increase the trust of your customers and business partners and increase the company's attractiveness to investors.
You will increase the attractiveness of the company in the eyes of potential employees.
You will support the company's social vision and strengthen the loyalty of employees and cooperating entities.
Improve the management and performance of your supply chain.
You will reduce the risk of neglect, public disclosure and litigation, thus protecting your brand and reputation.
You will declare that you refuse any corrupt and dishonest actions.
At TAYLLORCOX we have developed a unique three-phase certification process that allows us to proceed with unrivalled speed and efficiency.
Předáme vašim zaměstnancům znalosti nezbytné pro udělení certifikace.
Podmínkou pro získání SA 8000 je splnění požadavků vyplývajících z normy. Všechna potřebná školení u nás vedou mezinárodně akreditovaní auditoři s rozsáhlou praxí. Seznámí vás se standardy a vybrané zaměstnance proškolí.
Připravili jsme pro vás balíček podpůrných materiálů, které vám usnadní cestu k úspěšné certifikaci.
Propracovaný systém zahrnuje kompletní šablony, vzory a formuláře, které vám pomohou zavést standard pro celou firmu. Budete mít jistotu, že jste optimalizovali všechny procesy ve firmě, jak vyžaduje legislativa i certifikace. Autory toolkitu jsou naši akreditovaní auditoři, přední odborníci na SA 8000, kteří garantují věcnou správnost a kvalitu všech obsažených materiálů.
Získejte potvrzení, že pracovní podmínky ve vaší firmě odpovídají mezinárodním normám.
Certifikaci osobně provede náš vedoucí auditor. První stupeň interního auditu – desktop review – se zaměří na popis aktuálního stavu. Na něj naváže process review, kde vyhodnotíme shodu dokumentace s realitou a sestavíme seznam potřebných opatření.
We will analyse your situation and we will design a specific certification procedure to ensure it meets your real needs. Moreover, we can flexibly respond to your ad-hoc requests during the certification process.
We are part of an international company which is the basis of our know-how and background. Our auditors are top experts taking part in the creation of relevant laws.
We will take over most of the administrative burden for you and thanks to our experience and detailed customization we can implement the certification process up to 75% faster than our competition.
As the only accreditation body on the market, we will also provide training for you and your employees. This is one of the reasons why the vast majority of our certifications result in success.
We offer the best quality : certification price ratio. We manage to adapt to corporations as well as start-ups, and our outputs are always just as precise.
Although our team is full of renowned specialists from a wide range of industries we are completely normal people. We provide clients with the best customer care and devote our energy to their education.
We constantly bring news and important information (not only) about NSA our blog.
The SA 8000 standard sets rules for workplaces in many areas: occupational safety and health, working hours, remuneration and management systems, freedom of association and collective bargaining, disciplinary procedures, discrimination. But it also deals with the elimination of slave and child labour. The certified company is committed to the responsible selection of partners and suppliers as well as the planning of business events with regard to the environmental, social and financial impact.
The standard is based on international agreements such as the International Labour Organization Convention, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The International Standard for Workplace Conditions was created by Social Accountability International (SAI) in 1989. This independent workplace standard has gained global leadership and is suitable for any organization, regardless of size or location.
Často kladené otázky o certifikaci SA 8000
Proč se certifikovat na normu SA 8000?
V globálním světě hledá spotřebitel i obchodní partner eticky odpovědný protějšek. Certifikací na normu SA 8000 zvyšujete důvěru vůči vaší společnosti u všech, se kterými přijdete do kontaktu.
Co SA 8000 potvrzuje?
Standard SA 8000 certifikuje odpovědné řízení lidských zdrojů, např. dodržování pracovní doby, bezpečnosti práce nebo mzdové politiky.
Co nebo kdo je certification bodie?
TAYLLORCOX získal statut certification bodie jako nezávislá auditorská společnost zaměřená na certifikaci organizací a jejich procesů. Jsme držiteli platné akreditace od IAF (International Accreditation Forum), náš certifikát je mezinárodně uznávaný.